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Just lost my insurance - what do i do now???

Tue, 03/28/2006 - 21:58
Hi, everyone, I am new to the forum. I got on here searching for help. I just received a letter tonight saying that at the end of this week my son and I both will be dumped from our medical insurance. I am trying hard not to panic. I am 34 and have been diagnosed with epilepsy since I was 14. I have taken Tegretol to control my seizures for most of those years. I also take Celexa to help with the anxiety that I'm sure some of you know can go along with epilepsy. So what happened to my insurance? We were on Medicaid, and I was in a bad car wreck 2 years ago. I have permanent damage to my left arm, so I got a settlement from it this year. Well, they said that because of that, I no longer qualify. I am trying to finish college so that I won't NEED things like Medicaid anymore. I have one year left. But now, if I don't receive proper care, there's no way I can go to school and work if my seizures aren't under control. I need my settlement money to finish school with, and if they think I can just pay for everything with my settlement money, then they really don't understand how expensive neurologists visits and medicine really are!!! So here is my question: Does anyone have any ideas as what I can do now? Are there programs out there to help epileptics without insurance, with meds, dr visits, testing, etc? Any info anyone can give me will be GREATLY appreciated.


Re: Just lost my insurance - what do i do now???

Submitted by nitro on Thu, 2006-05-18 - 19:22
Hi, There is always a good chance of having insurance. Ask your doctor he could give you a very good advice on how and what insurance you can have. And after that you can get a free online quotes from insurance brokers like They can surely help you decide which insurance company is best for your insurance needs.

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