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Insomnia and Epilepsy

Sat, 09/19/2009 - 00:48

Hi, I'm new here and was recently diagnosed with temperal lobe epilepsy.  For many years (as long as I can remember), I've had issues with insomnia and it gets so bad that I'm immune to every sort of sleeping pill and am always so desperate for sleep.  I've heard that epilepsy can cause insomnia and I'm wondering if that's the reason why I can't sleep.  I haven't found the right meds yet for my seizures and sometimes I only sleep every other day and it's always broken up.  I'm always so tired during the day and never have any energy to do anything.  Anyone else deal with this?  I'm losing my witts end here and it's so frustrating and if this is caused by seizures is it merely a simple matter of finding the right meds to fix it?

I feel like I'm going delirious from not sleeping! Please tell me this can be fixed and that I'm not going crazy!




Submitted by fuooos on Mon, 2019-05-06 - 17:42


Submitted by fuooos on Mon, 2019-05-06 - 17:42

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