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i have a

Sat, 05/12/2007 - 20:26
problem of sorts and was hoping someone can help me.I was diagnosed as a teen with epilepsy,I always had petie mal seizures,,For some reason,,,,since I dnt have the very NOTIEABLE kind,,,,i think that some people doubt that i have this also...I d know that normally it stops later on.Im 39 and it hasnt I cant afford a doctor right now and the meds i need.So Ive just been dealing with it.A problem with my husband is,,,I am fearful of drving because of the fact that Im not always aware of whats going on around me,He does NOT beleive me and said even if it were too,,,Im pathetic for not driving.I feel Im being responsible to others on the road.he saays Im being stupid, PLEASE HELP?IS HE RIGHT?


Re: Re: i have a

Submitted by justagirl on Sun, 2007-05-13 - 08:42
Thanks.I am in NC for right now and I would love the help.I think my main point in what I wrote was,,,,I am being ridiculed for not driving.And am starting to think he is right and I should be driving even though I feel unsafe over it,And the fact that since they are not the more noticable type,,,he wont believe me.

Re: Re: Re: i have a

Submitted by Chrissyml on Sun, 2007-05-13 - 13:36
Hi Justagirl. I'm in Vancouver,BC, Canada. Here a history of seizures,any kind, must be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles. I primarily have complex partial seizures but have had many generalized seizures in the past. One day a few years back I fell asleep on the subway on my way into work, had a tonic clonic seizure, and woke up at Burnaby General Hospital. It was shocking because I hadn't had a seizure like that in a long time--years. I thought maybe I had outgrown such seizures, but there I was, shutting down the subway, screwing up the trains,while I was looked after by ambulance attendants. I haven't had grand mal seizure since but that doesn't mean I'll never have one again. I've had a few myclonic seizures many years ago and know I'm capable of having a relex seizure; I had one once during an EEG.The flashing lights caused my back to arch up and pushed my body into a sitting position while my legs remained straight. Driving is all the more risky if you're not on medication. The DMV there is going to want to know that you are on medication and that your seizures are under control before you get a license. I use public transit for everything and it isn't THAT bad. I'm 39 too and I work full time. Five days a week I spend 1/2 hour walking to the subway, catch a train, and then board a bus at 5.30 am to get to work. I have a small shopping cart for getting groceries. I spend more time getting to and from places than do other people but that's life, right? I read and do cross stitch on the bus. Some people bring DVD players and watch tv shows, others listen to music, some knit,some do crosswords or sudoku puzzles.Still others chat and visit with the same people everyday. Don't take a risk just because your husband wants you to drive. My husband asked where I'd be without him...he knows now.He left to show me that I couldn't manage without him and that was a year ago.Now he says he has one big regret in his life and that's that he screwed up his marriage. We were married 19 years. Good luck, Justagirl.

Re: Re: Re: Re: i have a

Submitted by justagirl on Sat, 2007-05-19 - 11:29
ive made the decison to leave mine,he is just too abusive over all of this, Im here if you ever want to talk,,,hugs

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