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Hi, my name is Dan

Wed, 03/08/2006 - 12:13
My name is Dan Brown, and live with my bride of nearly 32 years, in a pasture in Elm Grove, LA. I was diagnosed about 3 and 1/2 years ago with "partial complex seizures of the left frontal lobe" and my life changed drastically. I don't know if the type I have is rare, common or what. I have had many problems and only through prayer have I survived. I draw "SS diabily" benifits, but I am still having problems with the meds I can tolerate and paranoia. Mostly since my seizures offer me zero clues of events occuring during the period between the actual short and my return to cognizance. I spend much time alone, and have no way of knowing of any unwitnessed episodes (called "Brown-outs" by a few friends) I have many theories about my arrival in this sad and embarrassed state, but I'll be around for a while, I suspect! I play guitar and sing Christian music, and volunteer 2 days a week at the VA Medical Center in Shreveport, LA. I sing and play at my small church in Haughton, LA and have 2 children (son and daughter) and 4 grandchildren 10, 8, 5 (girl) and 19 months). I nered someone to talk with who really understands this implications of our condition. Happy to meet you! Blessed, and in His grip, Dan


Re: Re: Re: Hi, my name is Dan

Submitted by solis on Sat, 2006-10-14 - 03:16
Hi Bedge, As there as so many types of E, sometimes people get confused.. Complex partials means there IS a black out, whereas people remain completely aware during simple partials. I've had both for a very, very long time.. mostly complex in my adult life. *Simple partial seizure: An epileptic seizure that involves only part of the brain and does not impair consciousness. vs *Complex partial seizure: An epileptic seizure that involves only part of the brain and impairs consciousness; often preceded by a simple partial seizure (aura, or warning). At least with simple partials I'd KNOW they occured, whereas with complex partials the memory is zapped, so unless others are there 'reacting', or I'm in a situation that 'tells me' (like finding myself in another room I don't remember walking into) I'd have no idea one even occurred. ~sol

Re: Hi, my name is Dan

Submitted by Susumarie on Wed, 2006-03-15 - 12:05
Hi Dan: I too am complex partial, and did not start till 5 years ago at the age of 42. Took 2 years for anyone to figure out what was wrong with me, and it was an ER doctor that did it. Sometimes, I am aware of what happens during my episodes, but many times I have complete memory loss, sometimes covering a week long period. So, yes, it can be very disconcerting. I have learned that the memory loss period is more that my brain has just wiped out those memories, not that I've been loopy all that time. Many times I've had no witnesses to tell me what I've done, but sometimes I have had people to put together my episodes. Do you think you've done something to cause this or deserve this? That is kinda what your message sounds like, and I think you should step away from any kind of thinking along that lines. Epilepsy has been hitting people forever in every walk of life at all age groups for reasons and for no reason. It's one of those mysteries of life. Sweetsue

Re: Re: Hi, my name is Dan

Submitted by pilk on Mon, 2006-03-20 - 01:59
complete mermory loss for a week? a weeklong seizure? Suzy if you do have instances where a whole week is blank I feel for you. Hello Dan. I like to mess around on the guitar too. If you express an intrest in hearing me I will post a link to my website. I play jazz,blues,rock,bluegrass, ..all styles I even do What a friend We have in Jesus, though my head hurts, my feet stink, and I dont love Jesus. You dont have to be religious to do a Jesus song,just nuts.

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