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He gave up.

Fri, 11/17/2006 - 13:17
=( That didn't take very long. My neurologist has given up on me. He is sending me back to my jerkoff of a family doctor. Either I don't have a seizure disroder, or I don't have one he can treat. He's troied me on two medications. TWO! Apparently "exhausted and frustrated" are sinful evil words that put my condition outside his realm of expertise. And I should be able to know when and where and how often my seizures are. I guess it is a bad things that I cannot describe them or that I don't even really know what a seizure is. And asking him to write a note to my gym so that I could get out of the last 3 months of my contract was also a bad hing. I'm so beyond upset right now. I can't stop crying.


Thank you. As much as I've

Submitted by fzMousie on Sat, 2006-11-18 - 07:52
Thank you. As much as I've griped about my family doctor in the past, the psychiatrist at his practice is a beautiful, gentle woman. So is the clinical therapist. Both are covered under provincial health care. It's an odd reason to stay with a family doctor, but the psych gave me some good tips on how to make sure I feel listened to and how to get what I need out. As for the rest of it.... I will never figure out how a doctor can expect a patient to know when they are having a seizure when they don't remember it most of the time and don't know it the rest of the time.

Re: He gave up.

Submitted by gwen48 on Sat, 2006-11-18 - 09:18
This is where friends, family members, significant others, or who ever you are living with or spend time with can come in handy. Tweeking your meds will take time if you have not reached the right combo. The right doctor would help too! Although, they are human like the rest of us, in every profession someone always sucks worse than the rest. Since the invention of the internet, these sites have helped me more than the 30 years since i have had this poopy disorder and going to docs. My primary care physician has been much more help than my so-called neurologist ever has. Also, asking a doctor to write a letter to your gym to get out of a contract, is like asking Congress to enforce all our laws. They have their license to always consider, and with mal practice insurance the cost that it is, they are not putting themselves in the middle of a legally binding contract. Best of luck to you, and keep logging on to these sites! Gwen

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