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Fatigue, weakness, tiredness...all part of TLE?

Sat, 04/17/2010 - 19:25


I'm still waiting for my EEG next week to confirm the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy (however, I'm convinced the EEG will come back normal because my seizures have been so widely spread out over the past year). 

I'm just wondering, for those of you who have TLE, have you found fatigue, muscle weakness, being tired all the time (in other words, 'feeling like crap') to be symptoms as well? Since my grand mal over a month ago I have not been myself. I'm always tired and feel very weak. I find it very difficult going to work in the morning and getting through the day. It's frustrating, but I'm hoping once I'm put on meds they will help? 

Also, I'd never had a problem with my memory before the grand mal seizure a month ago. Now I found that I'm forgetting a lot. For instance, I forgot my social insurance number about a week ago and again a few days ago, something I had memorized since my first year of university (6 years ago). I'm also remembering stories people have told me days before, but cannot for the life of me remember who told them to me. That's been happening a lot actually. 

I'm starting to get worried and wonder if what is going on is something more than TLE...I'm not convinced that's all that is wrong. But I'm probably being paranoid. 


I've written a blog with

Submitted by Tim25N on Wed, 2019-11-13 - 08:20
I've written a blog with useful content. You can read it <a href="">here</a>

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