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Eye Twitching

Thu, 03/15/2007 - 17:54
For as long as I can remember I get the occasional twitch in my eyes. Nothing big, just occasionally the muscles jump. But ever since my first "episode" (Nov '06, still undergoing testing, the dr. is thinking either complex partial seizures or confusional migraines) I've noticed that I am getting them much more frequently; from once every month or two, to 20+ times a day. Could this be related? Anyone else experience this?


Re: Re: Re: Eye Twitching

Submitted by lrshaw on Fri, 2007-03-16 - 11:11
Currently I'm not on any meds other than hormone replacement (I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago). I was on Tegretol, but the side effects were so bad I was taken off. The doc decided not to put me on anything else until after all of my tests are run. The only thing I'm waiting on is a VEEG. CT, MRI & blood work came back normal. Ambulatory EEG showed abnormal activity, which is why I have to do a VEEG. I will start paying more attention to see if there is a corrolation between the eye twitching & episodes. Thank you for your replys!

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