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Exercise and seizures

Wed, 12/06/2006 - 23:36
I have recently been having seizures that have seemed to be initiated by excercise. Especially cardio, like running on the treadmill. Its too bad because excercise is something that I like to use to get over feelings of being depressed. I don't get an aura or if I do its very quick, then I find myself waking up on the ground. I have very rarely heard anybody mentioning the fact that they get the bulk of their sezeires during excercise. Has anybody ever had their sezeires evoked by excercise, and if so are there any tips on any particular meds or ways to treat it? Thanks, Jim


Re: Exercise and seizures

Submitted by heidi on Fri, 2006-12-15 - 17:09
I've had the same problem. I haven't been formally diagnosed, but I am having symptoms that mimic temporal lobe epilepsy, and the first identifiable trigger I found was the gym. This made me very sad, too. I used to teach aerobics, but that's gone. I still go, because my seizures, if that's what they are, are only simple partials. I don't lose consciousness. I also am learning to identify when I may be more likely to have them. I don't go to the gym at those times. I haven't completely worked through this. I've had to do way less cardio stuff, too, and it's frustrating. Do you have any longer term warnings that you're about to have a seizure? Do you keep a journal? Are there certain patterns you can take into account when scheduling gym time? Best of luck. I know how frustrating it can be.

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