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Even hear of this?

Wed, 01/03/2007 - 21:01
Is it possible for a person to have tonic-clonic seizures at night whilst sleeping but not have them during the day?


Re: Even hear of this?

Submitted by wldhrt13 on Thu, 2007-01-04 - 09:44
Question Addendum: Okay, now I am wondering why this happens? what is it about the sleep state that lowers the seizure threshold? anyone know how to answer that? LOL

Re: Re: Even hear of this?

Submitted by wichitarick on Thu, 2007-01-04 - 12:08
"it,s not the crazy people you worry about---its the one,s that don,t know it. R.C Hi Yes I had g.m,s for several yrs while asleep . almost always after working around 35hrs. More in the summer than winter. More if I was sick with the flu. I switched jobs where I worked from normal temps to heat and more during these periods. I now after much reading think that a strobe light at work played a role in mine . But yes and I also know that sometimes that cat nap after work is where I was having seizures. I read a lot of that imfo. here so look around and it is here. Rick

Re: Re: Even hear of this?

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Sat, 2007-01-06 - 23:20
Hi, Not tc seizures, but I'm prone to absence and complex partials (maybe 1 tc seizure a year). I'd say 90% of 'em happen just as I'm falling asleep. If not then, when I'm in a relaxed state. See if this makes sense and applies to your world, it's what I've been told since I was 22, as that's when a decent neuro put 2-n-2 together for me, sorta. Daytime = high stress. Mind goes into stress overload. At night = relax. Mind finally gets a chance to unwind. As mind gets a chance to unwind, something gets set off...brain waves all of the sudden wake up and go "huh, what's up...overload, huh.." enter seizure during time of too much relaxation. This is also why I'm more prone to seizures during vacations, on weekend, etc. It's like too much stress triggers seizures, but not until I unwind from it. Confusing, but does that makes sense? Erin

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