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Epilepsy Work-Ups--- EEGS

Tue, 04/04/2017 - 13:25
I was diagnosed with complex partial seizures as a child. I am now an adult (26 years old, 2 small children of my own) and am currently in the process of having an epilepsy work up again but with a different neurologist. Back in December, I had a what appeared to be a stroke, but they just said it was a migraine with aura. Since I have a history of complex partial seizures and I am not quite sure of when my last actual seizure was, the new neurologist ordered an EEG and a MRI. I am waiting on my results and my follow up won't be until the middle of May. Here lies my question: I know am still very much sensitive to strobe lights. After my EEG last Friday, it gave me a that postictal feel that I would normally get from a seizure: tiredness (feeling like I could sleep for days), bursts of sadness, confusion, disorientation (co-worker thought I was doped up on drugs actually). I do not remember any of my many childhood EEGs and how I felt afterwards. So I was wanting to know if this is a common occurrence for ANYONE who has an EEG, or is it just common for someone with Epilepsy/history of Epilepsy (I haven't considered myself "epileptic" in years) I asked my neurologist's nurse this question, and she just gave me the vaguest answer possible and I haven't been able to find anything online about it. It's just something that I am curious about. Thank you!


During a EEG they are trying

Submitted by mereloaded on Fri, 2017-04-14 - 08:13
During a EEG they are trying to capture anpbnormal electrical activity. The strobe lights, hyperventilation, nap and awakening you are in fact triggers, they want you to feel this way. Pretty much like a sugar test, they want to see if your body over reacts to those triggers. If you do, then you likely had abnormal brain activity during your test, or perhaps a seizure on itself. 

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