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Drugs of choice?

Wed, 03/15/2006 - 13:10
I'm curious how many people have had a say so in their medications, how many just take what is given them, how many research what they are given, etc. For me, my history of medications started with an ER doctor starting me on Dilantin, as he was the first one to give my condition a name, and he started me up in the ER to stop a major seizure. My GP just continued on the band wagon, and the neurologist didn't seem to care. A couple years later when I realized it what it was doing to my liver, I requested something new. The neurologist switched me to Keppra, which my understanding is supposed to be paired with something else, is not a stand alone drug. When I was completely off the dilantin and finally solely on the Keppra, I went on a 2-day on-again off-again seizure trip. I'm now on Topamax, but I think my neurologist just picks whatever drug the companies are handing out samples of. I am in the process of being referred to a new doctor, but am wondering what others take, how they got to taking what they are taking, and how much confidence they have?


Re: Drugs of choice?

Submitted by pilk on Mon, 2006-03-20 - 01:42
ya,A.E.D. They are all the same with different names. They all make you feel bad ,are bad for you and do not stop the seizures. They just reduce the # of seizures. The drug companies come up with a new wonderful drug every now and then and they dont work. Why do they do it if it dont work? $

Re: Re: Drugs of choice?

Submitted by Susumarie on Mon, 2006-03-20 - 07:24
Pilk: Do you take no drugs now? What drugs have you taken? What type seizures do you have? Sweetsue

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