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Thu, 09/14/2017 - 12:51
I just recently had a seizure for the first time in seven years and now my doctor said I can't drive for six months. In the past, I was a teenager and still very dependent on my parents so it wasn't too big of deal. But now I have a job so it is going to be really difficult. It is causing me a lot of anxiety. Any tips from other people who have had their driving privileges revoked as an adult because of having a seizure? I would appreciate any tips or advice.


I was 21 before my seizures

Submitted by David Herrle on Fri, 2017-12-01 - 11:49
I was 21 before my seizures were under control, I went quite a while with no seizures. My new neurologist said I my meds where at toxic levels. This started medication changes & dosage changes, needless to say all hell broke loose with my seizures but it finally stabilized   On November 19th 1979 @ 9:00am my world was turned upside down. While on route to the Hospital with a patient I apparently lost conciseness or had a seizure resulting in hitting & killing a 79yr old woman, then proceeded to hit 6 parked cars, take down a light pole & electrical box where our new $40,000 ambulance came to rest. After being extricated from the ambulance I woke up in time for the 6:00pm news to find that I had been admitted to the hospital &  placed on suicide watch. I recall being in the ER, seeing my parents & our minister, I asked what he was doing there but don't recall any answers. I recall being concerned with calling work to let them know I wouldn't be in.  Shortly thereafter I chose to surrender my license and to this day I do not drive. I love to drive but not at the expense of a life. Don't be in such a rush to get behind the wheel.

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