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Sleepwalking connected to Seizures??

Mon, 03/28/2005 - 14:29
I have a question for my sister. Her son is almost 6 years old. He has been sleepwalking for nealy a year but it is getting worse. What I mean by worst is that he is now loosing control of his bodily functions (bowel/urine) when he is sleepwalking. When the loss of control first started happening, she tried to wake him but it was not possible. He does not wake while she is cleaning and changing him. The next morning, he has no memory of this, which, we know, is often the case with sleepwalking. She has done alot of research on this subject on-line and has found some literature on how this could be a form of a seizure. She has an appt. for him with his PCM but they could not get him in for awhile. I think her concern is with my history of epilepsy, that this might be something that is a concern for him.Has anyone had any experience with this?


RE: RE: Sleepwalking connected to Seizures??

Submitted by MeningiomaMommaKelli on Mon, 2005-03-28 - 14:29
Thank you for your responses. Bruce, this does fit the information that my sister had found. I have TLE and so this is the concern of my sister. Thank you for the links.....i will pass them on to her!

Ok so my daughter has

Submitted by on Tue, 2016-09-27 - 23:14
Ok so my daughter has epilepsy and normally hers are the grand mal seizures and happen while she is sleeping but just last week she had an absence seizure waching tv. Tonight my oldest daughter came and got me out of the shower because her sister had got out of bed and had her eyes closed walking to the kitchen. When my oldest daughter got me my youngest was walking past us saying "I am going mom I am going mom". At this point her eyes were open. Before she could get to the door thankfully locked I asked her where she was going.she suddenly got a scared look on her face and  then said that she wanted her mom. I told her that it was ok I was right there and let's go back to bed. She still had the worried look on her face but once in bed she covered up and went right to sleep. Could this be something more than sleepwalking? She has had similar episodes in the past but I hadn't ever put two and two together because we just found out a year and a half ago about her having seizures and it's still all pretty new to me.

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