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Husband with Seizures

Wed, 02/09/2005 - 17:08

Does anyone else have a spouse with seizures?-My dh has Grand Mals probably 3 or 4 times a year-he will usually have 3 of them  or so in a 36 hour period and then is out of it for just about a week later. He has had them since puberty and was put on all kinds of drugs,phenobarb,dilantin etc. -these just caused more seizures so his dad had him taken off all meds. He mostly gets them form lack of sleep or stress. He has the flu and was up all night and then he had one this morning-they are very upsetting to watch and not be able to do anything. It is also very scary because he wants to get up and go to the bathroom and always falls-sometimes hits his head. Does anyone else experience this?



RE: Husband with Seizures

Submitted by faith4him on Tue, 2005-02-08 - 21:44
Mary, My husband has seizures and you're right, they are very upsetting to watch without being able to do anything. He has fallen so many times and hit the wall, fallen down steps, out of the shower, etc., sometimes he wets himself and several times he has taken meds without even knowing what he is doing. He has had more than 15 in a two day period. It is extremely frustrating and when you take them to the ER they just send you home. Not too long ago, they sent us home when he was seizing while getting into our vehicle....they know less about it than we do it seems sometimes. I have been dealing with this for almost 15 years and it get so aggrevating to deal with "professionals" that know less than you do. Hang in doesn't get easier unless you find the right medication and that could take years. My hubby is ready to get off of all meds and just go with the flow....he did better off the meds than on them.Jen

RE: Husband with Seizures

Submitted by rodeoman on Wed, 2005-02-09 - 07:38

Hi Everyone. My husband was recently diagnosed with grand mal seizures due to a rodeo accident almost 20 yrs ago. I had absolutely no clue what was going on with him and we had been to the local hospital 6x in the last 5 weeks.  The hospital finally admitted him this last time and called a neurogist in.  They currently have him on Depakote, which he has taken before, but is having and has had problems with this med in the past.  Basically that's what brought me to this site was to find alternative meds.  Is anyone out here currently taking zonegran or neurontin?? We have a Dr's appt today and I'm going to run through these meds with his neurologist. I'm familiar with both of them, as I have taken them but for reasons other than sz. Any information as far as how the medicines have reacted with you, side effects, etc. would be extremely helpful. We live in SC and some of the groups we have found that will help with financial problems are share, oconee aid her e in oconee county, salvation army, and believe it or not the food stamp office has been extremely helpful as far as numbers and names of organizations that will help. That's one of the biggest problems I have with my husband is that he hates to ask anyone for help or let anyone know exactly how bad he is feeling, etc.




Hi Everyone. My husband was recently diagnosed with grand mal seizures due to a rodeo accident almost 20 yrs ago. I had absolutely no clue what was going on with him and we had been to the local hospital 6x in the last 5 weeks.  The hospital finally admitted him this last time and called a neurogist in.  They currently have him on Depakote, which he has taken before, but is having and has had problems with this med in the past.  Basically that's what brought me to this site was to find alternative meds.  Is anyone out here currently taking zonegran or neurontin?? We have a Dr's appt today and I'm going to run through these meds with his neurologist. I'm familiar with both of them, as I have taken them but for reasons other than sz. Any information as far as how the medicines have reacted with you, side effects, etc. would be extremely helpful. We live in SC and some of the groups we have found that will help with financial problems are share, oconee aid her e in oconee county, salvation army, and believe it or not the food stamp office has been extremely helpful as far as numbers and names of organizations that will help. That's one of the biggest problems I have with my husband is that he hates to ask anyone for help or let anyone know exactly how bad he is feeling, etc.




Hello all! After reading

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2015-02-24 - 22:33
Hello all! After reading everyone's posts I definitely connect with each and every one intensely! My husband has seizures and was diagnosed with generalized epilepsy at the age of 13. Evidently he was trending 2 seiZures every three years or so before I came into the picture when he was 32. Now he is 36 and we have been married for almost two years and we have a 10 month old daughter . In August he had a seizure - the first one I had ever witnessed .. That was followed by one in November and most recently February 6... He has grand mal seizures and tonic clonic. However his political state is one I can't seem to understand through evidence or through doctor visits . I have taken him to three doctors since the first seizure. My husband unfortunately had continued to drink alcohol and use marijuana at times without me knowing and I found evidence after the seizures occurred and I did speak to the doctors about this . He was under some impression that marijuana use helped to control seizures when in fact all the neurologists have stated aggressively that marijuana has not been yet proven to control seizures and that it is still unclear and their direction to my husband is DO NOT USE alcohol or drugs . I however am completely struggling because after witnessing these horrific events and seeing all that has happened after his actual seizure , in thenoowtitic phase I am completely mortified and scared every day and every minute . One of his seizures he went into our daughters room while she was sleeping and jumped in her crib in a mqd state and I had to grab her and run out the door. He always gets up after he seized and runs and seems to be in this paranoid state where he is mad like . I know that's a terrible way to explain but that is what he looks like . In closing , I am completely tormented and this along with his behavior and attitude have almost destroyed our relationship . I fear what will happen next time he has a seizure and continue to be in a steady state of fear because of it . Anyone else out there had a similar experience ? I don't know what to do anymore but feel I can't continue on this path much longer as the stress mounts daily. I can't leave him alone with our daughter and I workmdull time to support our family . Any thoughts ?!

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