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Mon, 07/26/2004 - 17:45
Does anyone have a child around the age of 7 years who is on Frisium? Have you had success with this medication? What doses have been most successful? Any affects from this medication such as increased seizures-change in seizures? Any other useful info.


Re: Re: Frisium

Submitted by alflores on Tue, 2007-01-23 - 15:40
Are you in the USA? If so, where do you obtain the Frisium? My daughter has been on Fisium for about 15 years. Started around 12 years old. Today I tried to call the pharmacy in the Bahamas where I have always ordered the meds from and found out that it is permanently closed. Thanks. Al

Re: Frisium

Submitted by mamajess on Wed, 2007-04-18 - 13:15
Our son was 8 with the first witnessed seizure and diagnosed with BRE. He started sleeping with us and we witnessed 1 grandmal seizure/month almost like clockwork. The MRI showed 2 lesions--one on the frontal, one on the parietal lobe. He was started on Tegretol, but had a reaction, (rash) so was switched to Frisium (also called clobazam). His neurologist perscribed his therapeutic dose to be 30 mg. Frisium is a drug that you have to gradually increase. He started out at 5 mg and we decided to only boost the dosage if he had a seizure. When i went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist said that for children it should only be at 20mg/day. Right now, that is where we are at. It has taken us 6 months to finally be at this dosage and now i'm thinking that if it was going to "fail" as a drug it would have been better to have just gone up to the therapeutic dosage in weeks rather than months and found this out earlier!...You never know what is the best though and you do what seems right at the time. His seizures on the medication were very different. They were only about 10 seconds long instead of 1 minute, he was aware that he was seizing, which he hadn't been before... but still couldn't talk until the seizure was over. He didn't fall asleep after like he used to, but felt just fine. Two days ago he had another Grand Mal though... not sure why we are back at this more aggressive seizure after months without... but we upped the meds. If he has another one i will have to consult with his Neuro again as to dosage because of the discrepancy between his dosage and that of the pharmacists. Our son does not seem to be affected negatively by the Frisium so far. Our plan in the beginning was not to so many here...We're all choosing from a list of bad options...It's a terrible position to be in, but i'm glad we're not alone...

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