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effect of tegretol on 5 yr old

Wed, 01/19/2005 - 23:35

Hi ! Im a mum of a 5yr old boy that has recently been diagnosed with early onset  Benign Occipital epilepsy.  Pannanyotious syndrome (or something like that) !

I posted the following text but would liketo put it out where more people reading this site might see it, im very keen to hear feedback and thoughts/advice regarding his condition it goes


I have just read your post regarding your childs stuttering problem, I will share with you my experiences and observations of my own son who is 5yrs old.

My son's seizures started about 5 months ago, he has recently been diagnosed with Early onset occipital bengin childhood epilepsy, he had one sleep deprived EEG, and has been prescribed tegretol. (that issue i will talk about later) .

My son has also had a stuttering problem primarily IIIIIIII at the start of a sentence, and repetition of the same word over and over in a sentence, and having difficulty recalling the end of a sentence-taking a while to get it out. He was referred to speech therapy last year in pre primary this was before the epilepsy was known, so is somewhat similar to your situation, i should note that he is of normal intelligence for his age and is in mainstream school and is up to the same standard as his peers.

I also am curious to know if his speech problems are related to the e .

The speech therapist found that his speech problem was minor and gave us some excercises to do at home only. I have found that his repitition and stutter was quite bad when he was about 3 to 3and half yrs then didnt seem so bad but has recently struggling to finish his sentences.

I 'm also concerned about the lack of information we have been given by the treating hospital (im in australia) i was told that he needed an MRI scan to see the possible cause ie scar tissue ect but i have been waiting more than 4months for the appointment i was told we would possibly be seen in february 05. He is now booked for another EEG at the end of this month. Im also worried about the effect of Tegretol on him he is only 5yrs old but is crying every day over general everyday things, he has an out of control temper then will cry and cry and even hit himself and has even said he wants to die...all this from a 5yr old beautiful child it breaks my unsure how to handle his behaviour and how much is epilepsy related (if any) /medication related or just being a young child....any advice out there regarding all of the above would be much appreciated.



mum of 5yr old boy.


RE: effect of tegretol

Submitted by trentnbeck on Wed, 2005-01-19 - 23:35

Hi, I am a young mother of a 2 year old boy who has now had 2 seizures in the past 3 months.  The last two have been during the middle of the night-( 12 am and 2 am).  I am horribly concerned and I can't fall asleep at night without watching him. luckily on those two nights my husband and I were awake to check him.  His do not stop and both times have gone on for over 30 min.  we brought him into the ER to get them stopped.  his EEg showed some minor abnormalities.  He was prescribed Tegretol chewables 100mg 2X a day.  He was horribly crabby, sad and very tired.  He would cry and be so sad and then he'd take 3 long naps a day.  Our doctor gave us Tegretol EX and he is so much better!! hardly any side effects! but since then he has had another seizure and I'm so scared!  Is there any alarm or device that could alert us?  I also have a brand new baby so having him sleep  with us to watch him is very tiring!  any advice?


Hi, I am a young mother of a 2 year old boy who has now had 2 seizures in the past 3 months.  The last two have been during the middle of the night-( 12 am and 2 am).  I am horribly concerned and I can't fall asleep at night without watching him. luckily on those two nights my husband and I were awake to check him.  His do not stop and both times have gone on for over 30 min.  we brought him into the ER to get them stopped.  his EEg showed some minor abnormalities.  He was prescribed Tegretol chewables 100mg 2X a day.  He was horribly crabby, sad and very tired.  He would cry and be so sad and then he'd take 3 long naps a day.  Our doctor gave us Tegretol EX and he is so much better!! hardly any side effects! but since then he has had another seizure and I'm so scared!  Is there any alarm or device that could alert us?  I also have a brand new baby so having him sleep  with us to watch him is very tiring!  any advice?


Re: effect of tegretol on 5 yr old

Submitted by ekoorb on Sat, 2006-05-13 - 20:49
My 5 year old daughter was also recently diagnosed with the same form of epilepsy. Are you still visiting this site? How is your child doing?

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