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Please Help Me

Tue, 10/22/2013 - 23:07

Hi, I'm new to this website but I'm hoping someone out there can help me out? Please?
I've had epilepsy for around 9 years now but just in this past half of the year i noticed some strange twitching. Well first I'll inform ya of my medications that I'm currently on.


  1. Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine)
  2. Phenytoin
  3. Dilantin
  4. Topamax (Topiramate)
  5. Depakote (Divalproex)
  6. Minocycline (For skin care)
  7. Imitrex (For Migraines when needed)

Now, what I've noticed is that sometimes my right arm will spasm out and my forearm will spazz and jerk forward and I cant stop it. One time it happened while i was speaking and I just started having a hard time breathing and couldnt talk. What's going on?

I have had grand mal and petit mal seizures. And about a year ago, I got the VNS placement. I don't believe that the VNS is causing this but I'm not sure.


Re: Please Help Me

Submitted by ral on Wed, 2013-10-23 - 16:13
i'd agree that an adjustment in the meds sounds like a good option.  perhaps a lower dose or not as many ingredients in the mix ... had any change in them occured in the general timeframe before this?  definitely have your doctor or an expert involved with you in deciding on what is best moving forward.

Re: Please Help Me

Submitted by birdies1143 on Fri, 2013-11-22 - 04:30
I have absence seizures. After I started taking medications, if I missed a few doses then I would start twitching. The twitching would just be quick jerks in my arm or leg. Later, a neuro told me it was called myoclonic seizures, and that having them even on my meds wasn't a bad thing. Could this be what your experiencing?

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