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i give up

Tue, 11/29/2005 - 09:00
you know, i try to participate in the discussions. . . but i post a comment, try to find it the following week when i am back on-line, and it is NOWHERE. so i type my name into the search bar hoping i can find it that way. . . but no luck. so i try to look through old blogs and forum discussions, but that works no better. there are actually some questions i would like to ask and some support i would like to give, but it seems unachievable.


Re: i give up

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2005-11-29 - 19:25
Also make sure that you look at whether you are putting in post to someone's blog or to a discussion topic in the forum.. If in a blog, it will be saved by the name of the blog so please note that. The email note works good and hope to see updates soon to make all this much better.. don't despair!

Re: Re: i give up

Submitted by kristyn on Fri, 2005-12-09 - 06:47
The most amazing thing happened today. I logged on and there were links to actually take me to the blogs, chat room, etc. It felt like an absolute miracle! thank you so much!! one more question, though. . . It still seems difficult to find whole streams of comments that get lost somehow in blogs. will there be any way to re-find these things without having to remember the name of the person who posted the original blog, and the name of the person who made the comment within the blog that you've responded to? Eventually? I had been participating in some really interesting discussions, but they weren't on my blog. . . . sorry to be a pain. The website is defintiely geeting a lot better and is feeling much more accessible!! thanks again, kristyn

Re: Re: Re: i give up

Submitted by liz kutz on Fri, 2005-12-09 - 08:01
Hi. I can't ever seem to get the chat to work. At least there are some interesting posts out here. liz kutz

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