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Clobazam help

Thu, 11/02/2006 - 11:22
Hi all, I am the father of a child that has EIEE (Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy), with myoclonic seizures, the doctor tried several drugs, none has fully worked so far, he prescribed CLOBAZAM lately, but unfortunately, I live in the USA, and CLOBAZAM is not approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), so we have to get it from overseas, I tried online pharmacies, with no luck, and I read on this website that one can buy it, the problem is "What is the address (URL) of that online pharmacy"? Please help!!! Thanks a lot, and god bless you!!! Jellouli My address is : SJELLOULI@YAHOO.COM


Re: Clobazam help

Submitted by tonialpha on Wed, 2006-12-06 - 22:27
I received the drug in New York, do to the compassionate act. If you do need the information I can send it to you. I took Clobazam for the control of my seizures, I have not been in the hospital for one year since taking this medication. My doctor sent it in and I got the medication within a week. They have a number you can talk to them about the medication. They are very helpful. My husband works at the FDA and states the drug is in review right now. Hopefully it will not be to much longer for you. It has been used a long time in Europe.

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