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Wed, 12/01/2010 - 23:01
I was at the store yesterday and the last thing I remember was looking at clothing, the next thing I know I'm in my car driving home, about a mile away from the store. I don't remember at all, i mean nothing, about how long I was in the store, leaving, finding and getting into my car, or driving the mile or so. I was mentally ok as soon as I came out of it. Today it happened again. I was leaving my Dr's and rememeber getting into my car and backing out, next thing I new I was on the road. I don't recall stopping at he stop sign, how long I was there for, or making the turn onto the road. These do not feel like seizures though. Has anyone ever had this happen? Are they a form of a seizure? Thanks


Re: blackout?

Submitted by zealot on Tue, 2010-12-07 - 08:59
Sammi, Get thee to a neurologist and quickly. If your seizures can be brought under control you will not lose your independence. I identify with your frustration with the brain damage you have suffered. My GPA was a 3.97 and my nickname went from genius to stupid, drunk, and crazy. It sucks. It's the meds that are making that way. The brain is plastic. If I can stop seizing for long enough and force myself to keep doing the things I always did even though my head hurts when I do them, I gradually get it back. Not all of the damage has to be permanent. You cannot give up on yourself. I am not as quick as I used to be and my memory is weird, but I am far from stupid. I just keep going and keep trying. GO SEE A NEURO. IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, GET A SECOND OPINION. IF YOU STILL DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, GET A THIRD OPINION. You have to do something; otherwise, you will end up miserable and then you will end up dead. Baruch Hashem. Hoshia na. Devorah Zealot Soodak the zealot needs help! I just added this quickie post. It explains the Hebrew that I use before I sign my name. P.S. Please read my blog. Thanks. P.P.S. Please click here to read my latest post. P.P.P.S. Please click here to read my featured post. P.P.P.P.S. You can find me here: Devorah Zealot Soodak

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Re: blackout?

Submitted by cmaclean on Tue, 2010-12-07 - 14:35
Sammi, DON"T GIVE UP !!! I too was a 4.0 student. I have a 159 IQ. Yet at times, I feel like the dumbest person on earth. I'm 41 and was diagnosed almost 2 years ago. I was sick for 3 years before that. I haven't been able to work for going on 5 years now.This past month, being epilepsy awareness month, has opened my eyes! The only people you can count on are the ones that understand you. My husband, my children, and the epilepsy community. My own mother and 3 sisters, who I thought were close, told me I had no right to ask them to help spread the word. They don't live with me therefore they don't understand. I had uterine cancer 7 years ago and went through a hysterectomy and the whole menopause thing so I understand what you mean. But, I think my pills make me more emotional than anything else. You sound so much like me. Just know there are people out here who understand you and and everything you go through!!

Re: blackout?

Submitted by candysb on Tue, 2010-12-07 - 12:46

I have the same problem, my Neuro says i'm just not paying attention and it happens to everyone. This is the same neuro that told me I need a second opinion lol. It has happened a few other times he now is telling me they are seizures and has reffered me to UNM hospital and am now waiting to hear from them. I have many more problems with my seizures than just that and have difficulties getting through the day sometimes. I also have trouble focusing on things but I to have to force myself.

Good luck


I have the same problem, my Neuro says i'm just not paying attention and it happens to everyone. This is the same neuro that told me I need a second opinion lol. It has happened a few other times he now is telling me they are seizures and has reffered me to UNM hospital and am now waiting to hear from them. I have many more problems with my seizures than just that and have difficulties getting through the day sometimes. I also have trouble focusing on things but I to have to force myself.

Good luck


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