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Epilepsy and Illegal drugs - experiences

Sat, 04/16/2005 - 19:30

Hi there everyone. Firstly I am in no way linked to the medical profession, and have no formal medical training or experience. I just thought I would stick this in to hopefully answer the questions of some parents and kids alike who do/have/are thinking of trying illegal drugs, and who live with epilepsy. I am on quite high levels of medication to control my fits; I am in my mid 20's. Recreational drugs have played a part in my life since I was about 15, nothing wrong with my upbringing, it was perfect. It was just something I tried and liked - sorry. From my experience parents are often more worried about their childÂ’s condition than the patient themselves, something I might understand if I become a parent one day. I will try and loosely go though the drugs I have tried and the effects regarding my epilepsy. To kick off with, everyoneÂ’s epilepsy is different, from what I have been taught no one person is the same as another when it comes to this condition, which MUST be taken into account when reading this. I have smoked cannabis for some time now. All different sorts, all different amounts, all over the globe (including a regular pilgrimage to Holland). I can quite honestly say I have never even had a twitch - let alone a full blown fit - while under the influence of cannabis. Hallucinogens - LSD and magic mushrooms, are also substances I have enjoyed -- again never any problems. A good friend who is also epileptic felt a bit strange once when he popped to a local bar having dropped 2 acid trips. Probably more to do with the paranoia of being off his pickle in a public place than the epilepsy (he had done them many times before, and has done them since) but I have to mention this. Ecstasy. Not really my favorite drug. Have had it a number of times and it is not really my thing, but it has never effected my epilepsy in any noticeable way. Speed (amphetamines) is something I have used for all night parties and raves. Sleep deprivation used to be a problem for me with regard to my epilepsy; the drugs never caused me any problems. Mescaline. Quite rare these days (parents might remember it!) either synthesized of natural never caused me any problems. Mescaline is the psychoactive ingredient in peyote and san pedro cacti and has similar effects to lsd or shrooms. Cocaine is another drug I have dabbled in, not in vast quantities mainly due to the cost. Again no noticeable problems. I understand for reading up that coke could seriously affect your epilepsy; I have never had that much, therefore I would recommend you ignore my experience with this substance. Alcohol. The most problems I have ever had from a drug have resulted from alcohol, including fits. I now generally avoid alcohol as a matter of course – everyoneÂ’s different. I never mixed drugs and alcohol. That is as *far* as my drug experiences have gone, like any drug habit the temptation is to push it as far as you can. I have pushed all the above except ecstasy and cocaine as far as you realistically go, and the only effects I have experienced have resulted from the drug, not the epilepsy (non-withstanding alcohol). This rant has been written as honestly as I can. I am in no way condoning the used of illegal drugs, I hope that either parents or kids thinking of trying the above might find this useful. In the words of the late great Hunter S Thompson:  "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me". I have written this for parents as well as kids. I know how worried my parents were about illegal drugs with my condition. I also know how worried some kids are about trying recreational drugs with their epilepsy. This experiance results from many years of trial. I apologize if people out there find this article irresponsible, it was not my intention. I am simply hoping to answer some questions that people might be too embarrassed or scared to ask. I will finish with the fact that my friends have always been very kind, caring and supportive with regards to my condition – always asked me if I have been sure about something I have chosen to do and never exhibited any form of peer pressure. I consider this to be a very important aspect of my drugs honeymoon, I would have never felt at ease if my friends were not supportive, consequently I would probably not have gone as far as I have. If there are any replies (questions or criticisms) I will answer them to the best of my knowledge. Look after yourself everyone, and take care. Please excuse the inevitable spelling cock-ups!


Re: Re: Re: Epilepsy and Illegal drugs - experiences

Submitted by spaznurse on Wed, 2007-06-06 - 18:13
Perhaps I will reach a point in my life where I am too disabled to care anymore and I will lay about the house with a hookah pipe and/or toke away my troubles, just zone out. As of right now, however, I am trying to salvage the few brain cells that remain, continue to learn, work a few days here and there and improve myself.I am convinced the Good Lord isn't finished with me yet. I have a disease, but it does NOT have me. While I try to live with humour about it all, my E is no laughing matter and I will not slip into a 'party til I puke' mentality. I won't disrespect my poor hurting brain and I hope nobody else here will either by exposing it to toxins and chemicals that will burn it up even more than it already is from repeated seizures and other insults. Please be well here..for yourselves and those who care about you. "If you can laugh at it you can survive it'---Bill Cosby Spaznurse

Re: Re: Re: Re: Epilepsy and Illegal drugs - experiences

Submitted by xgi on Wed, 2007-06-06 - 21:28
I have to believe marijuana helps me with my sez's. I have never had any sez's when I smoke. I hit the bong a few times a day. I'm able to function and live my life. Now talk booze and pills. Gee the storys I could tell LOL..........marty

Re: Re: Epilepsy and Illegal drugs - experiences

Submitted by jjdreamer on Tue, 2007-07-24 - 10:00
I have been curious for quite some time now about how these drugs would affect someone with epilepsy. I have epilepsy and my boyfriend has told me many stories of his previous drug experiences when he was a teenager. He has done many of the same drugs you have. I’ve ask him what they did, and the more I learned, the more dubious I felt about them. Like LSD and mushrooms for instance, I always wondered what would happen if I had a seizure while on a “trip.” Would I freak out, lose myself, or just not even care? Not that I had even planned on trying these drugs, but it was curiosity more than anything that made me think about it. I’m not brave enough to try LSD regardless of my epilepsy. I have smoked pot before. Actually I started smoking it to help control my seizures. All I found that it did was prolong them until after the weed wore off. The solution to that would be to smoke it all the time. Honestly, I don’t fancy the idea of being stoned all the time and rummaging through the cabinets all day long for little Debbie snack cakes. So I just decided to quit it, since it was not helping that much anyways. As for things like ecstasy and cocaine, I always thought it would cause uncontrollable seizures. I thought the whole point of taking anti-epileptic medication was to slow the body and brain down to a point that your brain doesn’t misfire. But these drugs speed your body up, unless I am mistaken. I can feel high if I drink a Mt. Dew, and then I start twitching for about an hour. If I took cocaine, I believe I would be in poor shape. I’ve never really did drugs before and I definitely don’t do them now. I’ve always been too anxious to try anything more than weed and alcohol. Which I stay away from all things now, even cigarettes. But I appreciate your post. As you said, everyone’s experience with epilepsy is different. That is why people should practice upmost caution when trying anything that would affect their epilepsy in a negative way.

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