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Why I do not know....

Sun, 12/28/2014 - 01:28

Just know you are not is amazing what the brain can create that no one else can smell, see or feel!   We do not understand some things....that just know.!   Do not understand it, I cannot explain it, but it is and why I do not know!


What you want to know is hard

Submitted by just_joe on Sun, 2014-12-28 - 10:19
What you want to know is hard to explain. Just like the person that picks up a car to rescue a person under it.  Just like a person can't explain why they are tired after a seizure which was seconds long.  Energy is what fuels our body. Adrillian rush can explain why people can pick up  a car. In a seizure of any kind you have a electrical impulse going off in the brain wrong causing a chain reaction. The chain reaction is the seizure and the seizure drains energy.As for smelling or tasting or seeing something. All of those things we have seen before so that information is in our brains. If it is a seizure then that is like a computer bringing up a wrong web site or wrong information which is already there. I hope this helps but understand that you are not alone and this happens to other people who don't have epilepsy or seizures

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