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Symptoms seem like absence seizure while EEG shows partial seizure of left temporal lobe

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 20:19

We brought our 6 year old son to the pediatrician last month because we were concerned he may be having absence seizures.  He has staring spells usually brought on during stressful situations or when there are high expectations of him (ie: in middle of basketball game, when the teacher expects him to work one on one and answer reading questions, etc).  In addition to the staring, he also has had the occasional eye flutter and eye rolling episode.  He is struggling in school, when reading he will one minute know the word and the next be confused. He refuses to speak to his teacher when she tries to do skill tests.  She says he stares at the ceiling (not sure if he is having a seizure or just being stubborn).  He is super clingy and cuddly.  He still has wetting accidents every night (sleeps in a pull-up). 

The pediatrician sent him for an EEG and we were given an appt with a neurologist.  The EEG was a sleep deprived one.  It showed partial seizures of the left temporal lobe.   During the EEG, he did not have any of the symptoms we are seeing at home.  The neurologist did a complete exam, listened to the symptoms and our concerns.  The conclussion was his symptoms do not match that of partial seizures.  We have not noticed any lip smacking, arm/leg movements or spasms. (nothing at night either- ruled out benign rolandic seizures). His most obvious symptom is the staring.  So the next step is an MRI and a 24 hour inpatient EEG. 

So my main question is can EEG confirmed partial seizures have only absence seizure symptoms (ie: No spasms / twitches / moving limbs)?  Anyone have any experience with this?  I have read so many stories and it seems like all of them include at least one other classic partial seizure symptom in addition to staring.  Also, could these seizures be the cause of his learning troubles at school?  Anyone else see staring spells brought on by stressful situations? 

Thanks so much for your help.  


e EEG shows partial seizure of left temporal lobe

Submitted by mystic1930 on Sun, 2011-10-02 - 18:15
Ask for a 24 hour video EEG.

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