Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Help


03/2020 | 2 Comments

How long will it take for me to feel back to normal again? I had 11 seizures last week and still don’t feel back to normal! This is the longest I have...
Symptom question

03/2020 | 1 Comments

SYMPTOM QUESTION I've been GTCS free for 2 years.. On lamictal because keppra made me very moody. Although I've been seizure free I am having a very...
BRE focal sezuires

01/2020 | 2 Comments

My daughter has a seizure a year ago and we did EEG and MRI everything looked good. It happened right as we went to bed. It was very scary. It took me...
Feeling Lost

12/2019 | 1 Comments

2 years ago towards the end of January I was in a car accident with my two kids, both at the time were 5 and 14. We hit Head on and I hit my head on...
New symptom

10/2019 | 2 Comments

My 13 (soon to be 14 year old) son is having hot flashes. He had them prior to his first grand mal / tonic clonic seizure 2 years ago. He's been...
I need some tips on non epileptic seizures

09/2019 | 1 Comments

I had seizure like activity where I fall and start shaking, have aura (stiffness in whole body), blurred vision, aware what I’m doing, then I get all...
No recovery

08/2019 | 2 Comments

My brother had a seizure 3 days ago after many years. he is not getting recovered. he is continusly speaking a single word again and again from 2 days...
Worried mum question about daughter.

06/2019 | 1 Comments

My daughter is 10 years old. For the past month she has been complaining of severe stomach ache and occasional headache. At school yesterday her...
My Brother Died a week ago of Epilepsy

06/2019 | 2 Comments

My brother died about a week ago of epilepsy , we didn't even know about SUDEP till it took his life away, we never knew there was even a small chance...
Convulsive Syncope or Epilepsy?

06/2019 | 1 Comments

I know I probably don't belong in this forum, but I'm honestly not sure who else to talk to about this issue at this point. My neurologist is not very...
Did I have a seizure or just pass out?

05/2019 | 1 Comments

So a couple things to start off with. Sorry if this is not the right place to post this topic, and two I am just using this to possibly understand...
New symptom/seizure

04/2019 | 0 Comments

I was diagnosed with migraines and epilepsy at 26 after a grand mal seizure. (However after diagnosis we realized I had absence seizures since I was a...
What type of seizure do I have?

04/2019 | 1 Comments

I have had this what I call "a body stutter" and it usually happens when I'm really tired and get up quickly or highly stressed. I am taking...
Looking for answers

03/2019 | 0 Comments

I do not have many resources, time or a reliable doctor to reach out to where I live. Before you say "go see a doctor", I'm on it (Appointment April...
Seizures and crazy emotions

03/2019 | 1 Comments

So Friday March 15th I had a seizure. Unfortunately this was my wife's first time seeing this and my almost 2 year olds first time too. I have...
MRI result

03/2019 | 1 Comments

I was just diagnosed with epilepsy seizure In July so still really new to all this. Had mri done and they sent me results wish they would not do that...

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